This is the last ratified version of the Constitution.
Mission Statement
The Universal Gaming Alliance, Unigamia, or |UGA| is a non-profit organization whose goal is for each of our members to form lifelong friendships and to always be a place to return to for old members. Unigamia has grown many friend groups, and though most move on from Unigamia, they are always welcome back. We want to be a place for those who are socially awkward, misfits, rebels, or loners, to prevent suicides and school shootings through our efforts. We try to make sure everyone always has a game to play and a group to play it with.
Of utmost importance in Unigamia is Loyalty. Members must be loyal to Unigamia so that we can put aside our personal differences and view each other as members of this Universal Gaming Alliance who will support each other as individuals and each seek to grow both ourselves personally and the organization itself. It is through our loyalty to Unigamia that we can have respect for each other as allies regardless of our differences. In Unigamia, we don't care about your gender, race, sexual orientation, gender identity, or age; we care what games you play. All gamers are equal. Everyone will be treated with mutual Respect. Unigamia consists of people with various beliefs, creeds, religions, and political beliefs. Individuals who disagree vastly must agree to disagree, and respect one-another as fellow members of the Universal Gaming Alliance.
However, loyalty to the organization breaks down if we cannot trust each other, and that trust is rooted in Honesty. Our community cannot exist without it. Honesty is more than speaking the truth, it is having the freedom to speak what you believe to be the truth. Maybe you are wrong, maybe you are right; you have to accept the possibility of both outcomes, but you can only know the outcome of your speech if you speak. As such, Freedom of Speech is an integral part of Honesty. You might offend others with your speech, but what matters is intent. If you do not intend to disrespect, then you should be honest. Just as you can be honest while not being disrespectful, you can be honest while being dignified. Dignity is having maturity, patience, and pride in and as a member of Unigamia. You should not be a sore loser or a sore winner. You should not be impatient when waiting for a game or decision. You keep it positive. Talk about the good times in Unigamia, not the bad. There is more than one way to speak, and you can speak honestly while being undignified. Rise above it, and be both honest and dignified.
Just as you must have dignity, Unigamia members must have Discipline both inside and outside of Unigamia. Discipline is following the rules and having self-control. Inside of Unigamia, when members discipline themselves and do not break the rules, there are no arguments, or the arguments can be quickly resolved. Outside of Unigamia, discipline is integral to managing the time you play games, and pursuing your education. Your job and schoolwork come first before anything you have to do for Unigamia. When you do have to do things for Unigamia, it often requires Leadership. We believe in giving all members of Unigamia the chance to become leaders, and to learn leadership experience that they can bring outside of Unigamia into the world. Leaders will be taught how to manage other users, how to resolve conflict, and how to grow the organization.
Last but not least, the Unigamia instills a sense of Camaraderie in every single member. Once a member of Unigamia, you are always a member of Unigamia. Every member will take a break from Unigamia at some point in time, but nearly all of the committed members who take a break come back to Unigamia in the future. Overall, Unigamia seeks to be one thing: a family. Do not do anything to another member that you would not do to your own family. When you join, you become part of a fellowship, a fraternity of brothers and sisters who are all orientated toward the same goal: growth of our organization and the propagation of our Core Values beyond Unigamia: Respect, Loyalty, Honesty, Dignity, Discipline, Leadership, and Camaraderie.
Article I. Supercluster Council
The Supercluster Council consists of the Universal Admiral and the Supercluster Commodores. This is the judicial branch of the Universal Gaming Alliance where all final decisions are made.
Universal Admiral
The Universal Admiral maintains |UGA| alongside the Supercluster Commodores.
- Powers
- Banish a user permanently from TeamSpeak 3, Discord, all game servers, and the community
- All powers necessary to fulfill the duties of the Universal Admiral that do not conflict with the laws of |UGA|
- Immunity to all punishment and inquiries
- Duties
- Management of the |UGA| community
- Management of |UGA| game servers
- Management of |UGA| groups
- Requirements
- Must be a Universal Admiral
Supercluster Council
The Supercluster Commodores are the second-highest authoritative group below the Universal Admiral. The Supercluster Council must always consist of an even number so that, in addition to the Universal Admiral, votes are never tied. Supercluster Commodores are an appointed—not an elected—position.
- Powers
- Fast-track the creation of a sovereignty
- Ban users pending an inquiry
- Sitting in judgement over an inquiry
- Duties
- To give counsel to the Universal Admiral on issues of policy and community management
- Must always wear |UGA| tags
- Must join TeamSpeak when online for the purposes of administration
- To judge disputes on |UGA| Constitutional law
- To judge appeals on |UGA| Sovereignty law (when the dispute cannot be contained within the sovereignty)
- Supercluster Commodores break ties from the Galactic Command Center
- Supercluster Commodores cannot abstain on votes and must supply a reason for their votes
- Those of Galactic Commanders
- Requirements
- Belonging to |UGA| for a long time and showing the capacity to judge disputes amongst both higher and lower members
- Recruiting three members (in addition to the previous two)
- Cannot be under the influence of alcohol or other drugs during rulings or deliberations
- Must be adept at using and administering Steam forums
Article II. Galactic Command Center
The Galactic Command Center consists of Galactic Commanders and Spur Officers. This is the legislative branch of the Universal Gaming Alliance that decides on new sovereignties and amendments to the Constitution.
Galactic Commander
Galactic Commanders are the third-most authoritative group below Supercluster Commodores.
- Powers
- Create a sovereignty
- Move users in TeamSpeak 3 and Discord
- Kick Earthbound Explorers from TeamSpeak 3 and Discord
- Ban Earthbound Explorers from TeamSpeak 3 and Discord
- Duties
- Must always wear |UGA| tags when acting as a Galactic Commander
- Must join TeamSpeak or Discord when online for the purposes of moderation
- To lead sovereignties to the best of their abilities
- To police TeamSpeak 3 and Discord with the powers allotted
- Those of System Lieutenants
- Requirements
- Belonging to |UGA| for at least one year and showing the maturity to handle administrative powers.
- Recruiting two members
- Restrictions
- Galactic Commanders cannot make decisions on behalf of the entire |UGA| without a Supercluster Commodore's approval. For Sovereignties, a non-leader Galactic Commander cannot make decisions pertaining to the sovereignty without approval from a Sovereignty Leader.
Spur Officer
Spur Officers are veteran members of |UGA|.
- Powers
- Extended permissions in game servers, subject to Sovereignty Law
- Move users in TeamSpeak 3 and Discord
- Duties
- Promote Earthbound Explorers to Planetary Ensigns
- Act as Mediators during instances of drama
- Those of System Lieutenants
- Requirements
- Frequent user of TeamSpeak 3 or Discord.
Spur Organizer
Spur Surveyor are the community managers of the server and responsible for hosting community nights.
- Powers
- Host events
- Manage event mods
- Duties
- Manage Event Hosts and delegate events
- Manage the value of points and how they should be rewarded
- Requirements
- Must have been converted from Spur Officer or promoted from Interstellar Commandant/Interstellar
Article III. Moderators
The Stellar Diet consists of all moderators for |UGA| itself.
Interstellar Commandant
Interstellar Commandants are senior moderators of |UGA|.
- Powers
- Can move/mute/deafen users in voice chats
- Can delete messages in public voice channels that violate rules
- Duties
- Act as Mediators during instances of drama
- Those of Parsec Prefects
- Requirements
- Must be an example to Parsect Prefects on what a moderator should be.
- The maturity necessary not to delete messages haphazardly.
Interstellar Manager
Interstellar Managers are our point managers in Unigamia.
- Powers
- Those necessary to host events.
- Can give points based on specified point values for winning games.
- Duties
- Must host events.
- Must submit point values for Parsec Advisors.
- Requirements
- Must be Parsec Advisor.
Parsec Prefect
Parsec Prefects are junior moderators of |UGA|.
- Powers
- Can move/mute/deafen users in voice chats
- Duties
- Act as Mediators during instances of drama
- Requirements
- Must be Sector Supervisor, with experience moderating in Sovereignties or Clubs.
Parsec Advisor
Parsec Advisors are our event hosts in Unigamia.
- Powers
- Those necessary to host events.
- Duties
- Must host events
- Requirements
- Must be Sector Supervisor.
Article IV. Membership
Sector Supervisor
Sector Supervisors are senior members of |UGA| and moderators of |UGA| sovereignties.
- Powers
- Can hold high office in a sovereignty
- Duties
- Must perform according to their duties in their sovereignty(ies)
- Must be an example to other members
- Requirements
- Should have experience moderating another sovereignty, but it is not required.
System Lieutenant
System Lieutenants are junior members of |UGA|.
- Powers
- Can call for an inquiry against another member
- Can ratify the Constitution
- Duties
- Those of Planetary Ensigns
- Requirements
- Regularly joining the TeamSpeak 3 or Discord server over a period of a month
- Must be seen wearing the |UGA| tags regularly or occasionally
- Creating an account on the forums
- Must be 15 years of age or older
Article V. Recruits
Planetary Ensign
Planetary Ensigns are senior recruits to |UGA|.
- Powers
- No powers
- Cannot call for an inquiry against another member
- Duties
- Wear |UGA| tags
- Join TeamSpeak 3 or Discord regularly
- Participate in |UGA| games
- Requirements
- Joining the TeamSpeak 3 or Discord server for a month
- Must be 13 years of age or older
Continental Cadet
Continental Cadets are junior recruits to |UGA|.
- Powers
- No powers
- Cannot call for an inquiry against another member
- Duties
- Wear |UGA| tags
- Join TeamSpeak 3 or Discord regularly
- Participate in |UGA| games
- Requirements
- Joining the TeamSpeak 3 or Discord server for a month
- Must be 13 years of age or older
Earthbound Explorers
Earthbound Explorer is simply the name for users who are not members of the |UGA| or who no longer qualify to be members of the |UGA|.
Article VI. Member Statuses
A member has one of three statuses at any given time:
- Active
Members are active based on any of the following standards:
- The member regularly joins TeamSpeak 3 or Discord
- The member regularly plays |UGA| games
- Hiatus
Members may go on a hiatus if they cannot access their computer or play a game for an extended period of time. This can range from a few days to a few months, and at most a year. To have Hiatus status, a member must post a comment on the |UGA| group's page specifying how long the individual will take off and for what reason, unless the reason has a private connotation in which the individual can simply say 'private'. Failure to do so can flag that member as Retired and removal from the group.
- Retired
Retired members are members that fell off the grid, failed to comply with activity standards, or left |UGA| gracefully.
- Banishment
The |UGA| banishes a member when it evaluates as a whole that the individual in question makes no contributions, negatively affects other members, and degrades the community. This individual will lose membership in the |UGA| group, banned from TeamSpeak, and ostracized.
Article VII. Member Punishment
Punishment Types
There are four types of offenses that a user can be held to in Unigamia:
- Offense level: Venial - Most insignificant offense: e.x. posting in the wrong channel, posting a meme in general, derailing a channel, reposting in a channel etc.
- Offense level: Low - A small offense against another member or the community: e.x. insulting another member, spamming a channel, etc.
- Offense level: High - A large offense against another member of the community: e.x. bullying another member, flaming another member, etc.
- Offense level: Critical - An offense that triggers an instantaneous inquiry to review the members' actions: doxxing a member, factioning, etc.
Inquiries are a call to evaluate a specific member's actions in the community.
- To Begin an Inquiry
- Any member can ask a Spur Officer and up to call for an inquiry on another member.
- The Spur Officer will get the warnings for that user and the reported inquiry, and report it to the Galactic Command Center.
- If one other Spur Officer and up agrees, then the inquiry will begin.
- All inquiries should have minutes recorded by an appointed member if in voice. If in text, inquiries do not require minutes.
- The member that the inquiry is being held against must be given an opportunity to be present to defend him/herself.
- The Inquiry will be voted on by Galactic Command Center as a whole.
- Speedy inquiries, or demotions/bans that did not have a vote, can be reversed by the Supercluster Council.
Article VIII. Member Rights
- (A) Equal Protection No member shall be denied equal protection under the law.
- (B) Due Process No member shall be denied due process under the law.
- (C) Ex Post Facto No member shall be held accountable for something made against the rules after the fact.
- (D) Double Jeopardy No member shall be punished for something that that member was already punished for.
- (E) Right to Face Your Accuser No member shall be denied the right to face his or her accuser.
Article IX. Member Mōrēs
- (A) Assume Good Faith All members should assume the good faith of other members. Do not assume that other members are against you unless explicitly stated.
- (B) 5 Minute Rule If you can't resolve a dramatic argument in text chat within 5 minutes, you are required to join a Voice Call and talk it out. Text chat without voice is emotionless and you will assume bad faith in the other person.
- (C) Only Banter With Your Friends If you want to tell an offensive joke, or banter with someone, only do it with or around your friends who will know that you're joking. If you say it publicly, it will be taken literally by at least one person.
- (D) Passivity Does Not Mean Consent No member shall assume that passivity or a non-answer from another member indicates affirmation of the question.
- (E) Bias and Tunnel Vision No leader shall, as an attempt to change public opinion, state a preferred opinion first or show bias towards a preferred outcome.
- (F) Contemporary Rulings When a member has to be punished, the ruling of the most senior member of the Omniversal Triumvirate will hold true until an appeal is filed in the Galactic Command Center.
- (G) Whistleblowers Individuals who report covert rule-breaking at the level of Offense level: High or Offense level: Critical such as doxxing, factioning, bullying, or other malicious group activities—and provide a source of information to higher-ranked members, will be heralded for their loyalty to Unigamia and potentially rewarded. Leadership will do everything in their power to protect the whistleblower and keep him or her anonymous, such as creation of group chats. You must make a group chat with an alt along with PatPeter to whistle-blow. Do not DM to whistle-blow because DMs can be traced.
- (H) No Private or Impromptu Promotion Ceremonies All promotion ceremonies must be open to all members (not held within a locked or private channel), and must be scheduled so that every member has a fair chance to attend. There can be no promotions outside of promotion ceremonies.
Article X. Sovereignties
- (A) Sovereignty Law Sovereignty Law has as much weight as Constitutional Law, so long as the Sovereignty Law does not conflict with Constitutional Law.
- (B) Jump Promotions A jump promotion is when a member skips one or more ranks to a rank higher the rank currently held by the member. Jump promotions in Unigamia are only allowed if the rank has been previously held by that individual, after a vote from the Galactic Command Center. Jump promotions in sovereignties are allowed if specified in the bylaws of that sovereignty, and performed with due process (jump promotions are not based on favoritism, quid pro quo, etc.).
- (C) Special Cases TeamSpeak 3 will be considered a Sovereignty of the Universal Gaming Alliance, as any rules enacted pertaining to either of these sovereignties will be considered Sovereignty law.
- (D) Mission Statement The Mission Statement must be read before every single promotion ceremony.
Article XI. Clubs
- (A) Definition Clubs exist to show loyalty to and prevent Factioning from |UGA| by giving groups their own representation. Clubs are an organization below that of Sovereignties, but that cannot create their own Constitutional laws like Sovereignties and must abide by the Constitution and the GCC.
- (B) Application Clubs must apply in the Applications section of the forums with a roster of current members, the club leaders, and a statement of the club's purpose. Clubs must apply with a minimum amount of members defined by the GCC, but from the point of ratification will be 10. Membership is unlimited. The GCC will hold a vote to determine if a club will be created after application, and not all applications are guaranteed to be accepted.
- (C) Leadership and Admittance Club leaders control who can be added or removed to a club. Clubs can have 1 leader but should ideally have 3. Clubs can choose to have either open membership or closed membership, the latter decided by the leaders of the club.
- (D) Club Types There are two types of clubs: social group clubs and activity-based clubs. Social group clubs are defined as friend groups or interest groups and the only requirement for these clubs is that they be active. Activity-based clubs revolve around an activity and require regular participation in that activity to retain Club status. Activity-based Clubs are not voted on by the GCC past their initial creation, but are instead judged by their activity.
- (E) Minimum Activity Clubs must maintain a minimum amount of text activity as defined by the GCC, but from the point of ratification will be weekly text activity of at least three members in a conversation together.
- (F) External Discords If Clubs already have external Discords (one or more), they must delete all their voice channels and archive text channels that do not have an equivalent in |UGA|, and can use their servers as text/emoji hubs. The Friend Discords clause is suspended if the Club represents a friend group. Clubs must have a Supercluster Commodore or higher in the server(s) to monitor this activity. Clubs found to still be operating Discords (with a majority of the club members) will be looked into to see if the remaining Discord(s) and their channels can be imported into |UGA|. Club leaders that try to gain support for an external Discord (e.x. for emojis) without consent of the GCC will be sanctioned.
This is a list of amendments to the Constitution, which will include a link to both the changes to the Constitution on the wiki and the Discord message where the amendment vote was held. Constitutional Convention links will not have a link to the wiki revision for each one.
Amendment I. Disrespect and Harm
- Definition
- This is an amendment to the Core Value of Respect in our Mission Statement. Members must not engage in disrespect towards other members including but not limed to the following. Offense level: Low to Offense level: High
- (A) Insulting/Flaming No member shall flame other members. Flaming is defined as directing slurs, epithets, or other insults at other members directly. Offense level: Low to Offense level: High
- (B) Discrimination No member of |UGA| will be treated differently based on ethnicity, race, gender, sexual orientation, religion, political orientation, or other personal characteristics. Members can be restricted from positions based on age but cannot be treated differently based on age. Offense level: Low to Offense level: High
- (C) Baiting/Trolling No member shall troll another member with malicious intent, such that it would severely impact another member emotionally, or bait another member into a confrontation. Baiting is a precursor to trolling, goading or provoking a person with seemingly harmless or neutral phrases but with loaded language. Offense level: Low to Offense level: High
- (D) Threatening No member shall direct threats at another member. Offense level: High
- (E) Bullying No member shall engage in bullying another member or incite another member to bully another member. Offense level: High
- (F) Harassment No member shall harass a member with repetitive unwanted contact and messages. Offense level: Low to Offense level: High
- (G) Sexual Harassment No member shall harass a member with repetitive sexual overtures. Offense level: Low to Offense level: High
- (H) Scapegoating and Ostracization No member shall scapegoat or attempt to scapegoat another member for a rules violation not committed, or try to ostracize and exile a member from our community for perceived slights. Offense level: Low to Offense level: High
- (I) Ridicule/Mocking No member shall ridicule, mock, or laugh at another member, as opposed to laughing with another member. If the object of your joke is not laughing with you, then you are laughing at, not with the other person. Offense level: Low to Offense level: High
- (J) Impersonation Impersonation is a form of deception or mockery, and similarly disallowed. Offense level: Low to Offense level: High
- (K) Hazing No individual or Sovereignty will engage in hazing of new members or moderators. Offense level: Low to Offense level: High
- (L) Griefing No individual will engage in griefing a |UGA| game, defined as a game with 2 or more |UGA| members in it. Offense level: Low to Offense level: High
Amendment II. Disloyalty and Factioning
- Definition
- This is an amendment to the Core Value of Loyalty in our Mission Statement. Acts of disloyalty, including but not limited to Factioning and Advertising, are capital crimes in |UGA|. Offense level: High to Offense level: Critical
- (A) Factioning Factioning is defined as individuals who belong to |UGA| and attempt to steal members away from the |UGA| to another organization or prevent users from joining |UGA| servers. Offense level: Critical
- (i) Faction Recruitment No member of the Universal Gaming Alliance shall recruit another member to an organization, Discord, TeamSpeak 3, or any other server not run directly by the |UGA|, unless specified in V. C.
- (ii) Factioning Exceptions The following organizations are exempt from being declared an enemy faction so long as they stay within the restraints listed.
- (a) Sovereignty A sovereignty is a subdivision of the Universal Gaming Alliance, usually for a specific game but it could also be a subdivision of its members for a social purpose. A Sovereignty is bound by the Constitution, and should host links to both the Constitution and an invite link to the Universal Gaming Alliance Discord in their #rules channel or whatever is equivalent.
- (b) Alliance An Alliance is a separate gaming organization to the Universal Gaming Alliance with an agreement to share members based on a specific game. The allied organization would send all of their members to the Universal Gaming Alliance for the games |UGA| plays, while the |UGA| would send all or some of our members to the allied organization for the games they play. Both Discords would host invite links to each other in the channels that represent the games the other organization plays.
- (c) Streamer Discords Streamers run their own Discord servers for the purpose of building their stream and their audience. So long as streamers continue to take part in |UGA| and aren't simply using it to recruit members to their streams.
- (d) Friend Discords Friend groups can create private Discords since |UGA| is so big, as long as the group doesn't pull members away from |UGA|.
- (B) Advertising No member shall advertise to another community or server without express permission from the Galactic Command Center. This includes sending invites to servers over DMs. Offense level: Critical
- (C) Mob Mentality Mob mentality is a phenomenon wherein members cease acting as individuals, but rather as a collective, overriding individual will. Members of the mob will use friendships and pressure tactics to peer pressure other individuals into joining the mob, and actively resist alternative solutions to a problem, instead choosing the most destructive actions such as doxxing, factioning, or violations of the Constitution. Offense level: High
- (D) Brigading Brigading is a form of mob mentality wherein instead of using friendships and peer pressure, the mob forms by using memes, slogans, or spamming. The mob will generally be even harder to communicate with than normal mob mentality because it actively avoids communication with the Supercluster Council or other leaders, instead repeating the same sloganeering, memes, or spamming. Members engaging in brigading must immediately desist and open up a line of communication to air their grievances. Offense level: High
- (E) Echo Chambers Echo chambers are a small group of members in a Discord group, external server, or otherwise that participate in group think wherein one user says something and the rest uncritically agree with, or refuse to challenge, those who make such statements. If an echo chamber is reported, those who are found to be making the critical statements will be punished. Offense level: High
Amendment III. Dishonesty and Drama
- Definition
Dishonestly is the telling of lies to or about other members of Unigamia, and drama is defined as the spreading of information meant to damage an individual's reputation or turn others against said individual, instead of reporting concerns up the chain in the respective hierarchy of |UGA|. Both are incredibly detrimental to Unigamia and must be fought at every opportunity. Offense level: Venial to Offense level: Critical
- (A) Dishonesty No member shall lie to or about other Unigamia members. Lying to administrators or moderators of Unigamia will be punished more severely. Offense level: High
- (B) Reporting Drama Members must report drama to a member of a higher tier. No member shall be spread drama amongst peers. Offense level: Low
- (C) Procreation and Propagation of Drama No member shall engage in the procreation or propagation of drama across any part of Unigamia. Any member found to be perpetuating drama will be punished within the Sovereignty that the drama occurred, propagating up to Unigamia. This includes, but is not limited to: Offense level: Low to Offense level: High
- (i) Spreading Rumors Rumors are at the heart of most drama. If you have heard something about someone else, it's best to ask that person directly. Offense level: Low
- (ii) Behind Someone's Back Talking negatively behind someone else's back when the member is not present to defend him or herself is prohibited. Talking about another member in private channels with higher ranks in an official capacity is allowed. Offense level: Low
- (iii) Bandwagoning If a specific member is involved in drama with other members, and that member has done nothing to you, you have no right to bandwagon on the that member and increase the severity of the drama by having more people involved. Report the drama to a higher rank. Offense level: Low
- (iv) Demonstration of Enjoyment No member shall share reactions during an argument or drama that indicates enjoyment in said argument or drama. For instance: eating popcorn or sipping tea. Offense level: Venial
- (v) Leaving Celebration No moderator of Unigamia or its constituent sovereignties (including Discord) shall incite celebration through official channels of a member leaving or being banned from our community under any circumstances. No member shall celebrate a member of Unigamia or its constituent sovereignties (including Discord) leaving our community, but are allowed to celebrate a member officially banned from the community. Offense level: Venial
- (vi) Accusations of Pedophilia Accusing another member of Unigamia of pedophilia, whether seriously or in jest, will result in immediate punishment for that offense. If you believe someone is engaging in pedophilia, bring it up to a Galactic Commander or above. Offense level: High
- (vii) Accusations of Simping Accusing another member of simping over another member (usually a female) is prohibited. Because of the contemporary meaning of the term, this insults not only the individual being called a simp but also the person alleged to be simped after. Offense level: Low
- (D) Past Drama No member shall reiterate past drama. Privately speaking of past drama for the purposes of moderation are allowed. If Past Drama is brought up, it must be synopsized in a way to cease discussion of the drama as quickly as possible. Past Drama includes, but is not limited to: Offense level: High
- (i) Continuing Drama Telling new members about a negative incident involving another member is prohibited. Offense level: High
- (ii) Ragebaiting Bringing up heated arguments or incidents from the past, especially those involving anger or rage, that will once again fan the flames of that anger or rage is prohibited. Offense level: High
- (iii) Compound Offenses In addition to being a violation of Article III. Direct Harm, bringing up Past Drama to mock, ridicule, or laugh at another member is a compound offense and will be treated more severely. Offense level: Low
- (F) Blackmailing No member shall use information that would result in punishment as a means to blackmail another member of the Universal Gaming Alliance. This will result in severe punishment for the blackmailer. Offense level: High to Offense level: Critical
Amendment IV. Undignified Behavior
- Definition
- Members of Unigamia are expected to act with dignity, especially when our tags are being worn. Offense level: Venial to Offense level: High
- (A) Integrity of Community No member shall partake in action that misrepresents, disrupts, weakens, or divides our community, our sovereignties, or the Constitution. Offense level: High
- (B) Tag Members should wear the tag of Universal Gaming Alliance, |UGA|, prefixed before their Steam name, and with no extra space between tag and name, whenever possible. Offense level: Venial
- (C) Bribes No member shall attempt to bribe an administrator or moderator of the Universal Gaming Alliance, and no administrator or moderator will accept bribes. This can include, but is not limited to: money, games, or in-game items. Offense level: High
- (D) Begging No member of the Universal Gaming Alliance shall beg other members for powers, ranks, or gifts. This can include, but is not limited to: admin/moderator on game servers, ranks in game or in Discord, money, games, or in-game items. Offense level: Venial
- (E) Spamming No spam perpetuated on our servers, whether it be our forums, TeamSpeak 3, Discord, DDoS attacks on our game servers, or any other sort, is allowed in the |UGA| unless otherwise stated. Offense level: Venial to Offense level: Low
- (F) Disruptions Do not engage in behavior that is disruptive towards other members in the community, such as raiding channels or raiding games. Offense level: Venial
Amendment V. Undisciplined Behavior
- Definition
- Members of Unigamia are expected to act in a disciplined manner both inside and outside of Unigamia. Offense level: Venial to Offense level: High
- (A) Rules All members will follow the rules of the Universal Gaming Alliance and its respective Sovereignties. No member will incite other members or non-members to break the rules. Offense level: Venial to Offense level: High
- (B) Exclusion No member shall exclude another member from a current game or discussion. If not all members will fit into one game, branch off into groups. Exclusions are allowed in sovereignty laws. A Right Not to be Excluded should not be mistaken with a Right to be Included, and you do not have the right to join a game or discussion, especially at the expense of someone else. Offense level: Low
- (C) Block/Mute Signaling No member shall engage in block or mute signaling, which is blocking or muting a member and then telling everyone that you blocked or muting that member, or saying that those messages are blocked. Offense level: Low
- (D) No Joke Hiatuses Members who post a joke hiatus will be warned, and those who leave after posting a joke hiatus will not have their roles restored for a week. Offense level: Low
- (E) Interrupting No member shall consistently interrupt another member. If one member has another member muted or blocked and continues to interrupt, that member will be muted by the moderators. Offense level: Venial
- (F) Bad Sportsmanship No member shall engage in bad sportsmanship that poorly represents |UGA| or its members. Offense level: Venial
Amendment VI. Leadership and Hierarchies
- Definition
- Unigamia aims to teach our members to be good leaders, but in order to lead, one must first learn to obey. Members must not break the rules before they become leaders, and must learn to enforce the rules properly as leaders. Offense level: Venial to Offense level: Critical
- (A) Hierarchy Respect No member shall try to denigrate or diminish the ranking structure of |UGA| or its constituent Sovereignties. Member must operate within their rank, and not try to circumvent higher ranks. Offense level: Low to Offense level: High
- (B) No Pretenders Under no circumstances is a member without administrative or moderation powers to act as though he or she has those powers. Offense level: Low to Offense level: High
- (C) Illegal Organizations No member below the rank of Spur Officer will attempt to create an official Unigamia-branded website, organization, or Sovereignty without permission from a Spur Officer or higher. Offense level: High to Offense level: Critical
- (D) Blocking Moderators No member shall block moderators of constituent sovereignties. If a member blocks a moderator in a sovereignty and ignores an order from that moderator, punishment will still apply. Offense level: Low
- (E) Abuse No admin or moderator will abuse one's powers. Offense level: Venial to Offense level: High
- (F) Violation of Rights No admin or moderator will violate the rights of other members. Offense level: High
Amendment VII. Sectarianism
- Definition
- All members of Unigamia are expected to have Camaraderie for their fellow members. Members acting in a fashion not in support of their fellow members including but not limited to the following will be punished. Offense level: High
- (A) Sovereignty Rights Any member found to be attacking, demonizing, or deteriorating the stability or reputation of a |UGA| sovereignty, will be punished to the fullest extent as though it were an attack on the main body of |UGA|. Offense level: High
- (B) Sovereignty Conflict Any sovereignty found to be attacking, demonizing, or deteriorating the stability or reputation of another |UGA| sovereignty will have its own sovereignty overruled and be fully investigated, with the staff of the offending sovereignty subject to demotion both in the sovereignty and in |UGA|. Offense level: High
- (C) Club Rights Any member found to be attacking, demonizing, or deteriorating the stability or reputation of a |UGA| club, will be punished to the fullest extent as though it were an attack on the main body of |UGA|. Offense level: High
- (D) Club Conflict Any club found to be attacking, demonizing, or deteriorating the stability or reputation of another |UGA| club will have its own sovereignty overruled and be fully investigated, with the staff of the offending sovereignty subject to demotion both in the sovereignty and in |UGA|. Offense level: High
Amendment VIII. Doxxing
- Definition
Doxxing Doxxing is the intentional digging and sharing of personal (private or public) information. Doxxing can include but is not limited to: full names (both given name and surname, not just given name), addresses (not region or nearest major city), names/occupations of family members, photos of members, photos of family members, or nudes of the member (pictures of the breasts, penis, or vulva).
- (A) Punishment Scope Doxxing a Unigamia member is punishable whether it is done within Unigamia or outside Unigamia, and whether it is done by a user of Unigamia servers, or a member of Unigamia. Offense level: Critical
- (i) Discovering and Sharing It is possible some users may inadvertently discover the dox of a member of Unigamia. Dox may be reported to Supercluster Council without fear of punishment. If dox are discovered and it is reported, but the dox are not shared with anyone other than the target of the dox, the discovering user will not be punished. The target member will be notified that he or she has dox publicly available and advised on steps to remove them.
- (ii) Honesty Exemption Members are not required to be strictly honest when asked about their personal information, including their name, birth date (it must be accurate on the forums, but you do not have to make it public), and location. Members must be honest about their exact age for purposes of promotions and preventing minors from accessing adult content.
- (B) Recording Voice or Video To prevent the rise of deep fakes and out-of-context voice clips, permission must be asked before sharing recordings of the voice or a video of a member(s) of Unigamia. Public streamers must give notice before and during the streaming of content that features others and add "[S]" to their name to indicate streaming. Members are allowed to share recordings of other members without consent up the Chain of Command in Unigamia or respective sovereignties, but not to peers or lower-ranking members, for the purposes of reporting rule-breaking. Users of recording software must indicate when they are saving a recording except in accordance with the previous sentence. Offense level: High
Amendment IX. Private and Group Messages
- (A) Private and Direct Messages The Universal Gaming Alliance neither holds nor claims to hold authority to demand the release of the PMs (private messages) or DMs (direct messages) of any of its users on any public platform (e.x. Steam, TeamSpeak 3, Discord) not under the complete control of |UGA|. PMs sent on the forums are subject to Constitutional review. Offense level: Low to Offense level: High
- (i) Assurance of the Right to Privacy When not pertaining to official administrative, legal, or sovereignty issues, all members of |UGA| shall assume Two-Party Consent for PMs and DMs. You are not allowed to share the PMs or DMs of other users without the consent of the users whose PMs or DMs you are sharing.
- (ii) Suspension of the Right to Privacy When pertaining to official administrative, legal, or sovereignty issues, DMs or PMs can be volunteered under One-Party-Consent to the Galactic Command Center only. DMs or PMs cannot be shared with members below a Tier of Spur Officer unless the above stipulation is met.
- (iii) Conditional Right to Privacy Users of a public platform not holding a Tier as specified in this Constitution will have no protections from their messages being shared freely without consent. Non-members accused of facilitating a |UGA| platform to harass our members can be freely punished according to the rules set forth on that platform and not those in the Constitution.
- (iv) Context and Contextless PMs or DMs between two individuals can only be submitted for an Inquiry or official |UGA| capacity if they abide by the above provision and are contextless. For instance, if a member shares the dox of another member or explicit images directly to him or her. Any messages requiring context, such as a conversation, are subject to the risk of messages having been edited or deleted and will be considered invalid for |UGA| administrative action. In the case of allegations such as he-said-she-said in PMs or DMs, |UGA| will take absolutely no official action, and suggests that members block each other on that platform.
- (v) Submission of Evidence Because all screenshots can be manipulated, screen-sharing will be required and viewable by no fewer than 2 witnesses in order for evidence to be submitted in an Inquiry or any other official |UGA| capacity.
- (B) Malicious Group Chats Group chats for the purposes of doxxing, factioning, bullying, or other malicious behavior against an individual in Unigamia or Unigamia itself are not allowed. Screenshots of the group chat are fully admissible for inquiries. Members who want to report malicious group chats should add PatPeter and an alternate account to a group chat to discuss it. In contrast, group chats about a specific individual or a specific event are legal so long as they have all relevant individuals in the group chat, especially the individual for which the group is about in the case of an interpersonal conflict. If the number of individuals involved in a specific event exceed 10, then a channel will be created to discuss the event within Discord. Offense level: High
Amendment X. Discord
- (A) Server Rules Follow the rules of the Discord server. Offense level: Venial to Offense level: Critical
- (B) Channel Rules Follow the rules of every channel in Discord. Offense level: Venial to Offense level: Low
- (C) Pornography and Erotica No pornography or erotica will be transmitted within |UGA| except in places where it is explicitly allowed. Minors will never be given access to areas with pornography or erotica. Offense level: High
- (D) Gore No explicit or implicit gore will be transmitted within |UGA| under any circumstances. Offense level: High
- (E) Exploits Do not upload any content that can cause harm to members, including exploits and epileptic seizures. Offense level: Venial to Offense level: High
- (F) Leaking Text conversations, the contents of voice conversations, or recordings from private sovereignty channels cannot be leaked to lower channels in the hierarchy without permission from sovereignty leaders, or as defined in their respective bylaws. Offense level: Low to Offense level: High
- (G) Disconnecting/Spam Moving Moderators are not allowed to disconnect or spam move other users as a joke. Offense level: Low
The members listed below signed to ratify the Constitution on 2021 March 5th. This ratification will be active until 2022 January 1st. No major changes will be made to the Constitution until the next Resolution unless absolutely necessary according to the Galactic Command Center.
- shivs#1337
- totally not a spy#2077
- Astroveil#2478
- Bolt Lee#1703
- dont@me#4974
- FireOfPies#0125
- Home Depot Employee#6985
- Shadoyama#4166
- Jamest#8462
- Muffin Freeman#8184
- Thatdudejerry#8678
- Krygiel01#3849
- Pawthorne#5819
- Winter ツ#4366
- ZiciLovania#2904
- AurumFe#8778
- irontire#0825
- T⍑ᒷrᒷ↸mᔑ⎓╎ᔑpᔑリ↸ᔑ#1992
- Dwarf#7519
- Cola#3921
- Dynorix#1397
- Pablo lol#6456
- Tombstone#1213
- Digital_Stealth#1694
- Whix#4893
- Grevillius#8647
- columbus#7608
- Ortum#0001
- Shrimpy#7477
- .•°๖ۣۜT.V#1145
- Icky Nicky#5769
- BobZeComrade#4935
- Ratika#8538
- Dr.Wanker#5916
- BluntWestwood#0211
- wetrat#4445
- Alexander B.#1037
- Midnight Panda#7103
- [-] Greek#0001
- lynxs#6045
- soviet bulgaria#0059
- Hunt2man#3307
- pepperbox#0015
- 6h057#3761
- President Toilet The 3rd#6397
- Chariot#3091
- Starlight#7902
- shameful#4044
- VibesRToxic#9141
- Krby#4964
- Piecemaker#9762
- Pawthorne#6301
- Clashknight90#8422
- The Emperor Of Mankind#7793
- Space Ace#0524
- Tombstone#1213
- IcePanda4#9980
- JoltenHeim#6673
- thegamingskye#9053
- Dolphinz#0126
- shallbmx#5136
- BobZeComrade#4935
- Zomb#5546
- ArcTrooper#0210
- Sassafras#0478
- Ratika#8538
- Julk#8310
©2010-2025 Universal Gaming Alliance.
All rights reserved. All content on this page identifies as intellectual property of the |UGA|.
This Constitution began on 2010/07/13 23:14:00 GMT-06:00. Check the History for the last edit.