Magnets and Waffles

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Trouble in Terrorist Town Rules

Negative Rights

  1. No RDMing
    RDM means Random Death Match; you RDM when you kill someone without evidence or you do not have a right to kill that person. In the case of the former, when an Innocent kills a Traitor without evidence that person was a traitor. In the case of the latter, when an Innocent kills a Confirmed Innocent, Innocent kills a Detective, Traitor kills a Traitor, or a Detective kills a Detective.
  2. No RCOing
    RCO means Random Call-Outs; you RCO when someone says something like "He pulled a knife!" or "He burnt a body!". If you see this happen, you MUST call it out when you see it. If you call it out after you kill someone you will be slayed or banned.
  3. No Traitor-Griefing
    If you reveal your traitor buddies it is an immediate and permanent ban, whether you are dead or alive.
  4. No Traitor-Stalling
    If a traitor camps until the end of a round that player will be slayed next round. Innocents can camp as long as they like.
  5. No Commands
    Neither detectives nor confirmed innocents can give commands such as going in a traitor tester, testing teleporter, etc.
  6. No Self-Vigilantes
    If you broke a rule, such as RDMing, and the admin has told you your punishment, you may not take your punishment into your own hands. For example, if you killed yourself the round an admin was to slay you, you would be slayed next round. You can still kill yourself after RDMing if an admin has not dealt punishment.
  7. No Intrusive Metagaming
    Metagaming refers to using external programs such as Steam or TeamSpeak to relay the status of Traitors or other aspects of the game, thus ruining it for other players. This is synonymous with ghosting and a permanent ban if discovered.
  8. No Room-claiming
    You cannot claim rooms; this isn't DarkRP. If you believe someone to be a traitor you can, however, use the three warnings rule.
  9. No killing based on Traitor Jokes
    Saying things such as "I'm a traitor!", "My crosshairs are red, what does that mean?", et cetera are not traitorous and you cannot kill someone for them. If, however, someone specifically admitted to killing someone, that person can be killed.
  10. No killing Idles
    We have an auto-move to spectator for a reason. If the server is full, spectators will be kicked (admins exempt). Traitors can kill AFK players at their own risk.

Positive Rights

  1. Street Justice (Revenge RDM) is Allowed (|UGA| Original)
    It is only Street Justice, however, if there is no admin on the server. It's your karma. You might be slayed if an admin is online.
  2. Three Warnings are Allowed
    You are allowed to kill another player if they do not stop following you/stay ten feet away from you after three numbered warnings, i.e. 'first warning...', 'second warning...', or '1...', '2...'. Be warned that if no one witnesses your warnings you can be slayed for RDM.
    Three Warnings can only be applied to a player blocking a doorway impossible to maneuver around.
  3. Radar Traps are Allowed (|UGA| Original)
    A radar trap is when a player travels to an obscure area of a map and types, "Radar Trap 7:20", '7:20' being the round time. After one minute, if no one has found him or her, that player has a right to kill anyone who finds him or her.
  4. Credit Traps are Allowed (|UGA| Original)
    Only detectives can do credit traps. The detective leaves a traitor body with credits at an observable location and then calls out the traitor accordingly.
  5. Live Check Killing is Allowed
    Live checks and the time the live check began must be recorded in chat, e.g. "Live Check 7:20". After one minute anyone who has not responded can be killed at the possible expense of your karma. If missing persons respond after the live check has ended, those persons cannot be killed on account of the live check.
  6. Grenades Depend on Target
    Innocents must announce when they throw grenades near other people and specify those persons by name before the grenade goes off (smoke excluded). Failing to do so is traitorous.
  7. Scareshoting Depends on Target
    If you scareshot while directly facing someone or shooting directly near that person's body, that person can kill you for it. If, however, you scareshot at no one in particular, you cannot be killed for it.
  8. C4 Defusal Requires Warnings
    If a C4 has more than 5 seconds on it an innocent must warn the surrounding area and players of it and wait 5 seconds before defusing to allow others to flee.
  9. Goomba Stomping is Victim's Choice
    If you Goomba Stomp someone it is his or her choice whether we slay you or not.
  10. Propkilling is Victim's Choice
    If you propkill someone it is his or her choice whether we slay you or not. Propkilling in spectator will be dealt with more severely.