Magnets and Waffles

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Revision as of 07:01, 23 February 2014 by PatPeter (talk | contribs) (Test without general rules.)
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Trouble in Terrorist Town Rules

Client Bill of Rights

You, as a client in our server, are entitled to a Bill of Rights. These rules will serve to protect you from abuse on our end.

  1. You will always have as much autonomy, freedom, and liberty as we can afford you.
  2. You will always have access to `ttt_print_damagelog` in console. You can see with your own eyes and not through an admin as a medium what happened the previous round.
  3. You are allowed to argue against your punishment until one minute into the next round. If you die during that time, your punishment will be moved to the next round.
  4. We are a community; we have a TeamSpeak server. We will not lie to you about this, but we also promise full-heartedly that we will not under any circumstances ghost or ruin your round. Ghosting in our TeamSpeak is an immediate hour-ban or higher. Feel free to join at
  5. If you join our TeamSpeak, feel free to put |UGA| in your name (not during a round).
  6. We will try to provide you with the most up-to-date maps.
  7. We will only use noclip for administration purposes (sprays, contested RDM, etc.).
  8. An admin cannot punish you for something not in the rules. No admin is ever, ever above the law.
  9. You will never be punished as an innocent for killing another innocent except for cases outlined above.
  10. You will never be slayed midround as an innocent.
  11. You will always have free look.
  12. You will always have Postround DM, Teleport Frags, and Detective Hats.

Reasoning on Custom Weapons

We guarantee that all custom weapons have been heavily tested for balance.

  1. M16
    The M16's speed has been increased to balance it with other weapons.
  2. Shotgun
    The Shotgun's speed has been increased to better resemble an auto-shotgun.
  3. Deagle
    The Deagle has no changes to it except its name, which is an inside joke. Ask us and we'll tell you.
  4. One-hit Knife
    Each traitor can only purchase one knife, this is nowhere near overpowered. If you cannot watch your back for a knife, you cannot watch your back for a 1deag.
  5. Jihad
    If players are dumb enough to cluster in one room or location and cannot kill one person in a three-second delay, they deserve to be killed. There is no reasoning not to have jihad on the server.
  6. Newton Launcher
    The Newton Launcher is almost never used on other servers. Our increased speed ensures that at least some will use it.