1st White Forest Infantry and Artillery Divisions

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The 1st White Forest Infantry and Artillery Divisions were a Sovereignty in Half-Life 2: Deathmatch.


10 + 1 System

  0. RbL. - Rebel Leader
  1. EIO. - Enemy Intelligence Operative
  2. Spy. - Spy
  3. SCT. - Stealth Combat Trainer
  4. Prg. - Programmer
  5. Tec. - Technician
  6. Egn. - Engineer
  7. Trs. - Transporter
  8. Exp. - Explosives Expert
  9. Sci. - Scientist
  10. Mdc. - Medic

First Full Rank System

  1. RbL. - Rebel Leader
  2. Tts. - Tactical Supervisor
  3. SqC. - Squad Commander
  4. JSC. - Junior Squad Commander
  5. SqL. - Squad Leader
  6. JSL. - Junior Squad Leader
  7. RoG. - Royal Guard
  8. Loy. - Loyalist
  9. Dip. - Diplomat
  10. Van. - Vanguard
  11. Cas. - Counter Attack Specialist
  12. Sct. - Stealth Combat Trainer
  13. Spy. - Spy
  14. Sol. - Soldier
  15. Ars. - Arsonist
  16. Tec. - Technician
  17. Eng. - Engineer
  18. Wio. - Weapon Intelligence Operator
  19. Sci. - Scientist
  20. Exp. - Explosives Expert
  21. SuE. - Survival Expert
  22. Esc. - Escort
  23. Sct. - Scout
  24. Rbl. - Rebel
  25. Rfg. - Refugee
  26. Civ. - Civilian

Second Full Rank System

  1. RbL. - Rebel Leader
  2. Wio. - Weapon Intelligence Operator
  3. Exp. - Explosives Expert
  4. Spy. - Spy
  5. EIO. - Enemey Intelligence Operator
  6. Tec. - Technician
  7. Sct. - Stealth Combat Trainer
  8. CAS. - Counter Attack Specialist
  9. WSp. - Weapon Specialist
  10. TSp. - Tactic Specialist
  11. CAO. - Computer Analysis Operator
  12. TCa. - Transportation Carrier
  13. Eng. - Engineer
  14. CSu. - Counter Support
  15. Med. - Medic
  16. Sci. - Scientist
  17. Str. - Strategist
  18. SqC. - Squad Commander
  19. JSC. - Junior Squad Commander
  20. TtS. - Tactical Supervisor
  21. SqL. - Squad Leader
  22. JSL. - Junior Squad Leader
  23. Sol. - Soldier
  24. Esc. - Escort
  25. Sct. - Scout
  26. Rbl. - Rebel
  27. Rfg. - Refugee
  28. Civ. - Civilian