My Little Clannad

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  • Tomoya Okazaki is Twilight Sparkle
  • Nagisa Furukawa is Pinkie Pie
  • Kyou Fujibayashi is Applejack
  • Ryou Fujibayashi is Apple Bloom, prev. Rainbow Dash
  • Tomoyo Sakagami is Rarity
  • Kotomi Ichinose is Flutterhy
  • Fuko Ibuki is Luna, prev. Fluttershy
  • Yusuke Yoshino is Rainbow Dash
  • Botan is Winona

Nightmare Moon Arc

My Little Pony starts with Twilight Sparkle and Spike arriving in Ponyville in a hot air balloon. Twilight was bored of her life in Canterlot not changing, and very unhappy about it. Immediately upon touching the ground, Spike falls for a white, purple-maned pony named Rarity and starts hitting on her. She lets him down hard. Twilight introduces herself to a pony named Pinkie Pie who convinces Twilight that she can make friends and things can change. Twilight visits Pinkie Pie's house and meets Mr. Carrot Cake and Mrs. Cup Cake, trying her new food, a nutcake. Donuts with a cupcake in the center. Twilight doesn't really like sweets though.

Leaving Pinkie Pie's house, Twilight is knocked over by Apple Jack, a very athletic pony. Twilight tries to scold Apple Jack but she keeps running in the same direction. At the same time, Spike meets up with Rarity again and gets let down. Then, Twlight goes to her new home which was previously the town library, and found Fluttershy who was cleaning it up. While reading her books before going to sleep, Twlight discovers that Princess Luna has become Nightmare Moon because ponies slept at night and didn't care about her.

Later, Twilight walks past Rainbow Dash fighting with another pony and mediates the fight between them. During this time, Spike tries to hit on Rarity, again. Twilight meets up with Applejack, and is still sour at her, but after introducing Twilight to Winona, her dog, Twilight is a bit kinder.

Spike gets rejected by Rarity not once, not twice, but three times after this. Pinkie Pie asks Apple Bloom, Applejack's sister, if she can help out in the bakery. Spike starts helping out in the bakery too, but only because he wants gemstones. Usually, dragons eat gemstones, but Spike saves them up to give to Rarity. Rarity accepts the gemstones, but still lets down Spike. Twilight visits Fluttershy at her house and asks her to help out at the bakery as well.

Twilight travels to Canterlot and Pinkie Pie tags along in order to do research on Nightmare Moon. Twilight talks to Princess Celestia, the leader of Equestria, and learns that Princess Celestia locked Princess Luna in the moon with the Elements of Harmony. This makes Twilight very sad, so she comes up with a plan to make everyone love Luna again, by making moon-shaped cupcakes and handing them out to everyone in town, despite Twilight Sparkle not liking sweets. Twilight and Pinkie Pie head back to Ponyville, and tell everyone their plan. With everyone working at the bakery, everyone started on it right away!

They start handing out all of their cupcakes during the Winter Wrap-Up festival.

At first, the cupcakes seem to be lightening Nightmare Moon's heart, but it was not enough and the darkness inside Nightmare Moon grows ever stronger.

Twilight and her new friends then go off to find the elements of harmony, where Luna's true form can be seen in a glass case surrounded by the Elements.

They use the Elements of Harmony to break Princess Luna out of her imprisonment, and Nightmare Moon fades away!