
From Universal Gaming Alliance Wiki
Revision as of 13:49, 7 July 2012 by PatPeter (talk | contribs) (Nearly finished.)
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The Universal Gaming Alliance, Unigamia, or |UGA|, aims to unify organizations across different games, mods, and genres, or rather, "gaming universes". In doing this, the Universal Gaming Alliance hopes to bring about a unification of diverse peoples without prejudice. This Constitution will go into full effect as per the Ratification Clause. The |UGA| Constitution will instill its Core Values into its members for the enhancement of not only the organization, but its members as well.

Mission Statement

The Universal Gaming Alliance identifies first and foremost as one thing: a family. The |UGA| consists of a group of friends whom have grown so close to each other that they have stayed together through thick and thin. If anyone can come out of the |UGA| with one thing, it is this: once a member, always a member. If the individual is willing they will be fully welcome back into the |UGA| at any time, unless that individual was Banished. The |UGA|'s overarching goal is to make every individual the best version of him or herself.

The Universal Gaming Alliance respects all forms of life and the necessities that life has thereof. The |UGA| aims to make every member the best version of themselves by instilling in them the Core Vales of the |UGA|: Respect, Loyalty, Selflessness, Discipline, Patience, Honesty, and Dignity. Out of its respect, the |UGA| does not discriminate (i.e. an irrational stance void of objective reasoning) against any culture, ideology, race, ethnicity, religion, age, gender, or sexuality. The |UGA| cannot teach even a fraction of the life lessons a member receives from education and the discipline it has with it. Because of this, the |UGA| values education over anything |UGA| related, and will inspire members to prioritize their schoolwork over everything else.

Core Values

  1. Respect
    The |UGA| holds Respect in highest regard, as without Respect, there can be no friendships and no community.
  2. Loyalty
    The |UGA| asks of Loyalty not to its creators, but to the organization itself over other groups and individuals.
  3. Empathy
    The |UGA| expects that members care for other members as much as they care for themselves.
  4. Discipline
    The |UGA| aims to instill Discipline in every member of the |UGA|. Such Discipline will allow members to prioritize themselves, their time, and their lives.
  5. Patience
    The |UGA| endevors to install Patience in every member of the |UGA|, as that which we most want requires us to wait for it.
  6. Honesty
    The |UGA| considers Honesty an extremely important quality for all members to have for the quick and easy resolution or arguments and the building of a better community.
  7. Dignity
    The |UGA| wants every member to remained Dignified in times of triumph. This means that no member should gloat unnecessarily and show themselves as a proud member of the |UGA|.


  1. |UGA| exists to have fun. If you won't have fun, don't play.
  2. All members must strive to abide by the Mission Statement and the Core Values. This means no discrimination, disrespect, factioning off, not caring about others, bribing, impatience, lying to other members (especially triumvirate members), polluting the tag and/or your name, etc.
  3. No member shall directly cause harm to another member including but not limited to: sharing personal information, flaming, trolling, baiting, kitding, hazing, griefing, spamming, attacking, threatening, scapegoating, telling him or her to 'shut up', etc.
  4. No member shall indirectly cause harm to another member including but not limited to: assuming bad faith, betraying trust, assuming passivity means assent, peer pressure, insulting hobbies, blackmailing, spreading rumors, talking behind a member's back, labeling, holding grudges, interrupting, blocking or muting in TeamSpeak, blocking in Steam, etc.
  5. No member shall partake in action that disrupts or weakens the community.
  6. No member shall exclude another member from a game or discussion. If not all members will fit into one game, branch off into groups.
  7. Keep it positive. Talk about the good times in |UGA|, not the bad.
  8. All members must join TeamSpeak while online in Steam.
  9. All members will wear |UGA| tags as often as possible.
  10. All members must belong to the |UGA| and |USV| groups. All triumvirate members must have the |UGA| Steam Group as their default Steam Group in order to belong to the triumvirate.
  11. When you wear the |UGA| tags, you represent |UGA|. That means all Laws apply to pubbers just as they apply to |UGA| members.
  12. As a leader of |UGA|, do not be biased and do not instigate tunnel vision (stating your opinion first to make people agree with you). Do not abuse your powers either.
  13. Leave the admining to the admins. Do not try to create sovereignties, ask for admin, or ask for officer.
  14. Your privileges and status can be suspended or terminated at any time, for any reason (including removal from the group). Appeals in TeamSpeak are allowed.


Laws without punishment value exist for satirical purposes or guidelines for the community.


  1. No member shall buy a game on Steam that is not discounted.
  2. When playing a game compatible with HLSS/HLDJ, only one 'veto' is required to force a change of song or removal of music.

Left 4 Dead and Left 4 Dead 2

  1. No member shall disagree that Left 4 Dead 2 is a bad game that killed Left 4 Dead.
  2. No member shall not rush on the original Left 4 Dead campaigns, fourth map.
  3. No member shall pass a jukebox without starting it.
  4. No member shall disregard "The Rule of Fourths"–the fourth player will always cause your team of three friends to lose.
  5. No member shall disregard the buddy system–when separated always stay in pairs as human.
  6. No member shall have compassion on pubbers.
    The |UGA| takes a strict stance on having no mercy on pubbers. When mercy is given, pubbers either take advantage of said and flame/troll/punk |UGA| members, or after 'giving them an inch they take a mile' and end up winning the game. Offense Level: Minor
  7. No member shall teach pubbers.
    Pubbers do not deserve to be taught unless they are candidates for |UGA|. Offense Level: Minor
  8. No member shall attack by him or herself as infected unless prudent.
  9. No member shall heal on yellow or solid red when the team has pills (and sometimes adrenaline).
  10. |UGA| vs. |UGA| Left 4 Dead 2 games are prohibited unless everyone involved agrees to the type of game and its conditions. Offense Level: Minor
    1. A Casual L4D2 game keeps all |UGA| members in one TeamSpeak channel and prohibits competition (everyone must agree to relinquish their incentive to win).
    2. A Competitive L4D2 game separates |UGA| members into separate channels with the purpose of beating another team.
  11. No member shall disregard the Formations.
    1. Alpha Formation - All teammates cover each other and play normally.
    2. Beta Formation - Two teammates advance forward as quickly as possible to disrupt the enemy team.
    3. Gamma Formation - One teammate rushes forward while three cover each other.
    4. Delta Formation - All players advance at their own pace.
    5. Omega Formation - All players rush as quickly as possible without covering, protecting, or saving each other.
  12. No member shall accuse another member of griefing or otherwise for leaving a round to avoid a loss. Offense Level: Venial
  13. No member shall leave the safe room until the enemy team loads in.
    Only applicable with tags on. Offense Level: Venial
  14. No member shall join a private game without requesting to join. Offense Level: Venial
  15. No member(s) shall attempt to restart a game without just cause and community approval. Offense Level: Venial

Dungeon Defenders

  1. No member shall use more defense points than the total number of defense points divided by the number of players.
    Unless given permission by another player to use his or her defense points. Offense Level: Minor
  2. If a player has a designated side assigned, no other players may take that player's loot or mana without consent of that player.
    Players may, however, accidentally take mana if that player's side leaks, which is negligible. Offense Level: Minor
  3. No player shall sell another player's defenses without permission. Offense Level: Minor


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Omniversal Triumvirate

|The Omniversal Triumverate consists of (1) the Universal Admiral, (2) the Supercluster Commodores, and (3) the Galactic Commanders. All officers in the |UGA| core group are members of the Omniversal Triumvirate, and join the Galactic Command Center upon their first appointment.

Universal Admiral - Tier 1

The Universal Admiral retains complete control over |UGA| with the exception of the Laws and the respect of votes with the Supercluster Council.
  1. PatPeter

Supercluster Commodores - Tier 2

The Supercluster Commodores are the second authoritative group below the Universal Admiral. They are usually sovereignty leaders and command power over all lower members.
  1. None.

Galactic Commanders - Tier 3

Galactic Commanders are the third authoritative group below Supercluster Commodores. They are usually recruiters and command power over those lower than them.
  1. None.

System Lieutenants - Tier 4

System Lieutenants are normal members of |UGA|.

Planetary Ensigns - Tier 5

Planetary Ensigns are recruits to |UGA|. After one month, they become System Lieutenants.



The |UGA| has naming standards for your permanent name. Note that you can change your Steam name and TeamSpeak nickname to whatever you want (so long as it does not break a rule):

  1. Name must be permanent.
  2. Name may not use special characters or punctuation.
  3. Name may not be more than 27 characters long.
  4. Name must have proper capitalization, i.e. PatPeter, not pAtpeTer.
  5. Name cannot have numbers or symbols in place of letters.
  6. Name cannot have ranks, for instance military or social ranks.
  7. Name cannot have a discriminatory, prejudiced, ethnocentric, racist, sexist, homophobic, etc. affiliation.
  8. Name cannot resemble a previous |UGA| member's name.
  9. Name changes must be sanctioned by the Supercluster Council.


A member has one of three statuses at any given time:
  1. Current
    Members are active when the regular the VoIP server and participate in organizational activities.
  2. Adieu
    Members may take an adieu if they cannot access their computer or play a game for an extended period of time. This can range from a few days to a few months, and at most a year. To have Adieu status, a member must post a comment on the |UGA| group's page specifying how long the individual will take off and for what reason, unless the reason has a private connotation in which the individual can simply say 'private'.
  3. Banishment
    The |UGA| banishes a member when it evaluates as a whole that the individual in question contributes negatively to the community. This individual will lose membership in the |UGA| group, banned from TeamSpeak, and ostracised.

Versioning Clause

The current version can be seen at the bottom of the page in the format version-beta-alpha-fix.
  1. Version
    Versions increment the first version identifier by one. New versions include but are not limited to complete section restructure, entire line item (a line added to the Constitution) rewrites, removal of entire sections, and changes to the structure of |UGA|. New versions require a re-ratification of the Constitution. Re-ratifications blank all other version counters (Beta, Alpha, and Fixes).
  2. Beta
    Beta edits increment the second version identifier by the number of line items added or removed. Beta edits require a vote by the Galactic Commanders made in a |UGA| core group announcement. The vote must have more than a 50% majority to pass, with non-voting Galactic Commanders counting as abstention. After a week the vote will automatically close. Beta edits do not clear Alpha or Fix version counters.
  3. Alpha
    Alpha edits increment the third version identifier by the total number of changes made to line items. Alpha edits change the wording of line items or moving line items around. Alpha edits require a comment posted to the |UGA| core group page notifying of the change. Alpha edits do not clear Fix counters.
  4. Fix
    Fixes increment the fourth version identifier by the number of fixes applied. The fix cannot contain any semantical changes to the wording that would alter the line item's meaning. Fixes are usually restricted to typos, misspellings, grammatical errors (not violating the previous sentence).

Ratification Clause

The ratification of this Constitution requires a 2/3 majority of the Omniversal Triumvirate. By agreeing to ratify this constitution, the individual agrees to work towards internalizing the Core Values and obeying the Laws of the |UGA|. In addition, the Universal Admiral of the |UGA| agrees to remove all comments in this Constitution and that no edits will be made that do not comply with the Versioning Clause.


  1. None.


  1. None.


  1. PatPeter
  2. Sox207
  3. Fullmetal
  4. Rezin
  5. Raxor
  6. Kagnarok
  7. Wazza
  8. The Village Idiot
  9. Joey
  10. White
  11. TechPanda
  12. Fishy

©2010-2012 Universal Gaming Alliance.

Version of the Universal Gaming Alliance Constitution. All rights reserved. All content on this page identifies as intellectual property of the |UGA|.
This Constitution began on 2010-07-13 23:14:00 GMT-06:00. Check the History for the last edit.